Friday, September 30, 2011

"Carnage" (2011) - First clip

The first clip from "Carnage" is revealed. This witty and dramatic story is about two couples whose sons got in some trouble and their parents want to help them. But the more they drink the less they talk about something that can solve this problem. Directed by Roman Polanski.

From this short fragment, I can surely tell I'm very exited to see this movie. I like a character played by John C. Reilly. And it looks like the other man in a room played by Christoph Waltz has more with him in common than you might think at first. Their wives will have hard time trying to force them thinking in the right direction. Jodie Foster and Kate Winslet are a perfect match for John and Christoph.

More about "Carnage" (2011).

Top-5 movies of the week - 30.09 - 06.10

1."Tucker and Dale vs Evil"
Yes, this is my number 1 of this week. If you have a good sense of humor, you'll like this insane black comedy. This movie is meaningless and a bit gross, but I started crying because of laugher while watching it. Some stupid students are taking a road trip and meeting two creepy-looking guys in the dark forest. They misunderstood each other actions and this trip becomes very bloody. Do not watch its trailer, if you don't like spoilers - there are many hilarious moments and I'd enjoyed a movie less, if I saw the trailer first.
Starring Tyler Labine, Alan Tudyk, directed by Eli Craig.

Inspired by a true story, it is an original story about friendship, love, survival and finding humor in unlikely places. Cancer changes the lives of two best friends, but they don't give up, remaining optimistic and funny. Critics name it 'a laugh-out-loud comedy that demands to be seen', 'extremely funny and romantic' and even 'one of the best movies of the year'.
Starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Seth Rogen, Anna Kendrick, Bryce Dallas Howard, directed by Jonathan Levine.

3."Dream House"
It is a story about a married couple, two little girls and one scary house. Firstly, this movie seems to be an ordinary horror, but there are lots of mysteries. Their new great family house turns out to be a crime scene, where a mother with her children was murdered. New tenants begin to investigate that old story and the more they discover the more they understand that they can be next victims.
For those who can't miss any horror movie with good cast.
Starring Daniel Craig, Rachel Weisz, Naomi Watts, directed by Jim Sheridan.

4."Take Shelter"
Curtis LaForche lives in a small Ohio town with his wife Samantha and six-year-old daughter Hannah, who is deaf. Money is tight, and navigating Hannah's healthcare and special needs education is a constant struggle. Despite that, Curtis and Samantha are very much in love and their family is a happy one. Then Curtis begins having terrifying dreams about an encroaching, apocalyptic storm. Faced with the proposition that his disturbing visions signal disaster of one kind or another, Curtis confides in Samantha, testing the power of their bond against the highest possible stakes. (Official movie website)
Starring Jessica Chastain, Michael Shannon, directed by Jeff Nichols.

5."Surrogate Valentine"
San Francisco musician Goh Nakamura is barely scraping by playing live gigs and teaching guitar. So when a filmmaker friend asks him to teach guitar lessons to TV star Danny Turner for his upcoming movie role, Goh jumps at the chance. While on tour together, things get complicated when Goh's high school flame Rachel shows up. (Official movie website)
More than half critics liked this movie, but due to Rotten Tomatoes audience, this story is worth more.
Starring Goh Nakamura, Chadd Stoops, Lynn Chen, directed by Dave Boyle.

Posters - iTunes movie trailers

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"Dark Shadows" (2012) - Pictures from the set

Empire magazine visited the set of Tim Burton's "Dark Shadows" and got for us two brand new pictures. Now we know that the director isn't afraid even of being painted in some strange orange paint, which supposed to be blood, to teach Johnny Depp how to act like a real vampire. I named the first picture: "Dr. Burton and Mr. Depp", second one is still nameless, but I like half-bald Jonny Lee Miller and extremely serious Michelle Pfeiffer sitting in that old gothic room. Can't wait till I see the whole house. I'm expecting something like a mansion of inventor from "Edward Scissorhands".

More about "Dark Shadows" (2012).

"The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" (2011) - One long trailer

I saw this trailer a couple days ago and I can't remember the reason why I haven't posted it here, because it really impressed me. The previous one was shorter and very dynamic with that powerful music, this one is different. I've never seen a trailer, which is more than 3 minutes long, but it looks like it's going to be David Fincher's movie, so it deserves extra promo material.

This video is more specific about the plot, which turns out to be very helpful for people like me, who haven't read the book yet. Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara seem to be a good duo and I hope they're planning not to disappoint us.

More about "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" (2011).

Monday, September 26, 2011

Dear Lumière brothers

Inspired by many open letters I've read recently, I considered to write my own. But the catch is 'to whom?'

I can choose between all movie stars, directors, actors, composers, screenwriters, producers, I can even write a letter to my favorite movie or a fictional character. And I almost forgot movie studios. But as it is my very first open letter, I think it's essential that I write something to those people, who were responsible for the birth of the cinematography.

There are a few theories about who was first, but I used to think that the first filmmakers were Auguste and Louis Lumière, two brothers, who became incredibly famous thanks to one scary screen train arrival. I know they'd never read it, but it feels right to address this letter to them.

Dear Lumière brothers,

I live in the 21st century and people don't freak out anymore when they see a train on the screen or TV. Many things have changed, but every filmmaker still wants to impress their audience as much as you did more than a hundred (!) years ago. Yes, you were one of the first trendsetters of the cinema world and every one still tries to fit in those standards.

But everything else is so different these days. Probably, you've thought about the future of the cinematography and hoped that people can watch a new movie every day. You'll be very surprised, because even more than ten movies are being presented very week.

There is left no genre or topic, which hasn't been covered by filmmakers. When a new problem appears, it gets a few movies, which could be more than 120 minutes long. I've heard you wanted to create something more impressive than just a 2D moving picture, so you should be proud of all creative and smart guys, who invented high quality 3D technologies. But I want you to know that we appreciate movies not because of special effects; we like to watch new stories, which are not just visually impressive, but also intelligent, touching and dramatic within reasonable limits.

And in the end of my letter I want to thank you many times for what you've done. I can't imagine my life without that miracle, which you gave to us. Yes, cinematography is still a miracle. Some things don't change through ages.

Sincerely, a huge movie fan.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

priyanka-chopra -my-life

"Gilmore Girls" - Quotes from season 1

Some of my especially favorite quotes from this wonderful girlie TV show. Since I've watched just first season, it's just the first portion of memorable quotes.

"Gilmore Girls" is a mother/daughter story about life, love, managing problems and following their dreams. And also this show is very sunny, romantic, a bit dramatic and very witty. Its characters always make me smile and laugh.

Created by Amy Sherman-Palladino.
Starring Lauren Graham, Alexis Bledel, Jared Padalecki, Keiko Agena, Scott Patterson, Kelly Bishop, Edward Herrmann, Melissa McCarthy, Chad Michael Murray.

Episode 1

Rory: So, Grandpa, how's the insurance biz going?
Richard: Eh, people die, we pay. People crash cars, we pay. People lose a foot, we pay.

Episode 2

Rory: I can't be late on my first day of school. Do you know what happens to people when they're late on their first day?
Lorelai: Their day is shorter?

Lorelai: Well, we like our Internet slow, okay? We can turn it on, walk around, dance, make a sandwich. With DSL, there's no dancing, no walking, and we'd starve. It'd be all work and no play. Have you not seen The Shining, Mom?

Rory: Yeah, they kept calling me Mary.
Lorelai: You're kidding me. Wow, I can't believe they still say that.
Rory: Why? What does it mean?
Lorelai: Mary, like Virgin Mary.

Episode 5

Max, the teacher: Okay, Okay, how about coffee? Do you like coffee?
Lorelai: Only with my oxygen.

Lorelai: Why should we date?
Max: Because we are attracted to each other.
Lorelai: I am attracted to pie, but I do not feel the need to date pie.

Episode 6

Rory: So, is this party Grandma's having gonna be a big deal?
Lorelai: Not really. The government will close that day. Flags will fly at half-mast. Barbra Streisand will give her final concert…again. Now, the Pope has previous plans, but he's trying to get out of them. However, Elvis and Jim Morrison are coming and they're bringing chips.
Rory: You ask a simple question…

Episode 7

Lorelai: That Lothario over there has wormed his way into my daughter's heart — and mouth — and for that, he must die!
Luke: You can't kill the bag boy.
Lorelai: Why not?
Luke: It's double coupon day — you'll bring down the town.

Dean: But you don't like me.
Lorelai: But I want to like you... and I usually get what I want.

Lorelai: I remember it being smaller.
Ms. Kim: It's been six weeks, maybe it grew. [about a chair]

Episode 8

Emily: I just sent Lance to pick up Rory at school. The roads are terrible — black ice everywhere. It's just a mess out there. I hate this kind of weather. So, anyhow, what time will you get here?
Lorelai: Well, uh, gee, Mom, I don't know. Let me see… black ice, treacherous roads. I'll just put on my red, white, and blue leotard, grab my golden lasso, and fly the invisible plane on over?

Episode 10

Lane: You have to look at what a gift says to the other person, not to you. Remember two years ago, I got my mom that perfume?
Rory: Yeah.
Lane: Okay, to me that said, "Hey Mom, you work hard, you deserve something fancy". Now to my mother, it said, "Hey Mom, here's some smelly sex juice, the kind I use to lure boys with", and resulted in me being sent to Bible camp all summer.

Luke: The truth hurts.
Lorelai: No, you know what hurts? Having a screwdriver jammed in the back of your head!

Episode 11

Lorelai: I want a pet!
Rory: You have me!

Episode 12

Sookie: You will not regret this.
Lorelai: Pick another phrase.
Sookie: You will not have to pay.
Lorelai: Much better. [about a blind day]

Michel: Well, not everyone is cut out to be their own boss. Maybe you are more of a worker bee, a follower, a ticket ripper, or the man at the concert with the orange glow stick directing you where to park. [to Lorelai when she was nervous about her exam]

Episode 13

Rory: Did you find our house okay?
Paris: Your street has no sign on it.
Rory: I told you to turn left at the giant rooster statue.
Paris: I thought you were kidding.
Lorelai: No one kids about Monty!

Lorelai: Who wants cheese?
Rory: Are there crackers?
Lorelai: Somewhere in the state of Connecticut, yes, there are crackers.

Episode 14

Rory: Mother-daughter window washing. We should try that.
Lorelai: Yeah, right after mother-daughter shock treatments.

Lorelai: Ok, how about this? I'll help you. I love to paint.
Luke: You do?
Lorelai: Yes, I do.
Luke: You love it?
Lorelai: I want to marry it.
Luke: You have strange passions.
Rory: She likes washing dishes too. She's multi-faceted abnormal.

Emily: The two of you must come up for the weekend. It is so lovely. Rory would just love it.
Rory: Can we go for a weekend?
Lorelai: We'll see how much Valium Auntie Sookie can lend Mommy, Ok?

Emily: We only go to Europe in the fall.
Lorelai: You know, Mom, I heard a rumor Europe's still there in the spring.
Rory: I heard that too.
Emily: We know that it's there in the spring but we never go in the spring because we always go in the fall.

Episode 15

Emily: Lorelai, Christopher's in town!
Lorelai: What?! I didn't know! Although coincidently I'm sitting across an amazing Christopher hologram.

Emily: You usually knock.
Lorelai: Not since you gave us a key.
Emily: That is for emergencies.
Lorelai: Well mom, I'm starving to death. Is that enough of an emergency for you?

Lorelai: I've gotta see my parents.
Christopher: I've gotta see my parents.
Rory: Ladies and gentlemen, the drama king and queen of Connecticut.

Emily: I know one thing for sure- you certainly have your father's musical talent.
Lorelai: Oh, wait just a minute.
Emily: What?
Lorelai: Mom, neither of these two have any musical talent.
Christopher: Hey, I play guitar.
Lorelai: You know the opening lick to 'Smoke on the Water'.
Christopher: And I've since mastered the opening like to 'Jumping Jack Flash'.

Lorelai: I am thanks. You remember Rory. You haven't seen her in quite a while.
Straub, Christopher's father: No we haven't.
Francine, Christopher's mother: I think she was just beginning to speak in complete sentences.
Lorelai: So not for two years then. She's obviously been talking a long time so I was making a humorous comment sometimes referred to as a joke.

Emily: Straub is actually a good man. Very smart. He was one of the top lawyers in his field - a very arcane aspect of International law. And he's always been so active in his community. His charity work has never diminished over the years. Oh let's face it - he's a big ass.

Episode 16

Dean: It's depressing.
Rory: It's beautiful.
Dean: She throws herself under a train.
Rory: But I bet she looked great doing it.
Dean: I don't know. I think maybe Tolstoy's just a little over my head.
Rory: No, that's not true. Tolstoy wrote for the masses, the common man. It's completely untrue that you have to be some kind of genius to read his stuff.

Rory: I mean, I feel really bad that I missed our two-month anniversary.
Dean: Quite all right too.
Rory: How was it?
Dean: Pretty good.
Rory: I'm glad.

Lorelai: You are full of hate and loathing, and I gotta tell you, I love it!
Luke: Oh, it's so good to have somebody share this hate with.

Lane: I have to stop hanging out with you. I mean, you're just making my life seem too pathetic.
Lorelai: Join the club.

Rory: I would never make fun of you. Especially not after you ordered three different kinds of pasta for me just because I couldn't decide.
Dean: Well you shouldn't have to decide. I mean, tonight, you should have everything that you want.
Rory: I just have to say that I'm now a very big fan of the three-month anniversary.
Dean: Oh yeah?
Rory: Definitely. I think they should have T-shirts and newsletters.

Chase: Oh it is. In fact, if you were to answer a few simple questions for me, I could practically pinpoint the day you're going to die.
Emily: Goodness.
Lorelai: Go ahead. Ask her the questions.

Episode 17

Lorelai: Rory, my heart. It is Saturday, the day of rest.
Rory: Sunday's the day of rest.
Lorelai: No, Saturday is the day of pre-rest.
Rory: Pre-rest?
Lorelai: Yeah, so that way when you actually get to Sunday you're rested enough to enjoy your rest.
Rory: That makes absolutely no sense.
Lorelai: That's because it's 6:00 on Saturday morning.

Rory: Think about it, trash is discarded aspect of people's lives.

Rachel: Well we were kind of up late last night so I let him sleep in.
Lorelai: Sleep in? Luke?
Rachel: Oh believe me it wasn't easy to get him to agree to it, but in the end, a little sweet talk, a couple of Excedrin PM he finally caved.

Lorelai: Here, turn around.
Rory: Why?
Lorelai: 14 hours of labor that's why.

Episode 18

Emily: Well this is just ridiculous. Three intelligent women sitting here in complete silence. There must be something to talk about. Do you know that every night at dinner, the Kennedy clan would sit around the table having lively debates about everything under the sun? They would quiz each other about current events, historical facts, intellectual trivia. Now the Gilmore clan is just as smart and worldly as the Kennedy's so come on - somebody - say something.
Lorelai: Do you know that butt models make $10,000 a day?

Emily: Alright I'm sorry. You were on the phone.
Richard: Long distance.
Lorelai: God?
Richard: London.
Lorelai: God lives in London?
Richard: My mother lives in London.
Lorelai: Your mother is God?
Richard: Lorelai.
Lorelai: So, God is a woman...
Richard: Lorelai.
Lorelai: And a relative, that's so cool. I'm gonna totally ask for favors.

Trix, the great-grandmother: I can see now that offering that trust fund was a bad idea. After all, taking into account the maturity level of those involved, this large amount of money would probably not be safe.
Lorelai: No Gran, that isn't true. Rory is an incredibly mature kid.
Trix, the great-grandmother: Oh I'm sure she is. It's you I'm worried about.

Episode 19

Rory: Oh, I'm buzzing.
Lorelai: What have I said about buzzing in public? [about a pager]

Lorelai: So if Rachel turns out to be an evil fembot and murders Luke in his sleep, I'm not responsible am I?
Rory: Only in an intergalactic court.

Episode 20

Kirk, the crazy guy: Okay, did somebody put the kick me sign on my back again? It wasn't funny last week and it's not funny now! I have asthma.

Rory: You'll break up, cry, get back together, break up. It doesn't really matter. I'd rather not have to keep track, so tell me when you're down to the final inning.
Lorelai: You know what, that is way too snotty a thing even for alternate universe Rory to say. I'd like an apology.

Richard: I'll be dead tomorrow. I plan on flinging myself off the roof tonight right in the middle of Pittie Salinger's opening speech.
Emily: Pittie Salinger is a dear friend and you will be nice to her.
Richard: Pittie Salinger is a dipsomaniac. I'm going to bring my newspaper.

Lorelai: I'm not even talking specifically about Dean. I mean just generally in life. For example, say you're dating Taylor Hanson.
Rory: Why am I dating Taylor Hanson?
Lorelai: It's a hypothetical scenario, go with it. So, uh, you and Taylor have been seeing each other pretty regularly. .
Rory: How did I meet Taylor Hanson?
Lorelai: You went to his concert, you got backstage, your eyes met across the crowd and you've been seeing each other ever since.

Episode 21

Lorelai: Dear God Almighty Mr. Mirkle!

Lorelai: What are you doing?!
Luke: Fixing your porch rail.
Lorelai: That's right. You are. You're fixing my porch rail. . . . At six thirty in the morning!

Lorelai: Oh. The Dean box. Okay, I know I was supposed to throw it away, but I couldn't. I mean, you're young and your head's all weird, and you don't have any perspective because of that whole young weird headed thing, so just please listen to me before you get mad. You're gonna want that stuff one day, when you're old and married, and looking back and thinking, I certainly had an interesting life. And then you can pull out all your old boyfriend boxes. Which is good, because I threw away stuff I'd kill to have today. Look, I put it in with the Max box so they could chat and keep each other company and commiserate about how they had Gilmore girl and lost a Gilmore girl and... Sorry.

Luke: It was. Is. I'm just. . I've just been living alone since forever. And I just got use to putting the milk someplace in the fridge and finding it in the exact same spot. You know what I mean?

Lorelai: Oh, we don't even keep milk in the house.
Luke: Well, then cookies.
Lorelai: Cookies almost never make it out of the car.
Luke: You know what I mean.

Clara: She sacred me.
Dean: Who?
Clara: The Girl Scout.

Rory: Because sometimes you have something you need to say but you can't because the words won't come out or you get scared or you feel stupid, so if you could write a song and sing it then you could say what you need to say and it would be beautiful and people would listen and you wouldn't make a complete idiot out of yourself, but all of us can't be songwriters so some of us will never be able to say what we're thinking or what we want other people to know that we're thinking so we'll never get the chance to make things right again ever. So give this guy a license.

Great thanks to the website!
Poster - Lauren Graham fan site

Friday, September 23, 2011

Top-5 movies of the week - 23.09 - 29.09

"Oscar season has officially begun." - Cole Smithey (
Based on a true story, "Moneyball" is a movie for anybody who has ever dreamed of taking on the system. Brad Pitt stars as Billy Beane, the general manager of the Oakland A's and the guy who assembles the team, who has an epiphany: all of baseball's conventional wisdom is wrong. Forced to reinvent his team on a tight budget, Beane will have to outsmart the richer clubs. The onetime jock teams with Ivy League grad Peter Brand (Jonah Hill) in an unlikely partnership, recruiting bargain players that the scouts call flawed, but all of whom have an ability to get on base, score runs, and win games. It's more than baseball, it's a revolution - one that challenges old school traditions and puts Beane in the crosshairs of those who say he's tearing out the heart and soul of the game. (iTunes movie trailers) Starring also Philip Seymour Hoffman, "Moneyball" is directed by Bennett Miller.

"One of the best gay films ever made, although that pigeonholes it unfairly, as this is a finely observed, bracingly intelligent and human work, with an appeal that crosses sexual categorization." - David Noh (Film Journal International)
This movie is a winner of Audience Awards at both SXSW and Outfest 2011 and the opening night selection of Brooklyn's acclaimed BAMcinemafest. It is a startlingly authentic love story, featuring the talents of two incredible new actors and the unique work of a fresh new voice in filmmaking, Andrew Haigh. After meeting one lonely Friday night at a bar, Russell (Tom Cullen) and Glen (Chris New) find themselves caught up in an lost weekend full of sex, drugs, and intimate conversation. Although they have conflicting ideas of what it is they want from life and certainly how to get it, they form a startling emotional connection that will resonate throughout their lives. (iTunes movie trailers)

3."Dolphin Tale"
"A heart-warming story that is one of the best family movies of the year." - Nell Minow (Beliefnet)
"Dolphin Tale" is inspired by the amazing true story of a brave dolphin and the compassionate strangers who banded together to save her life. Swimming free, a young dolphin is caught in a crab trap, severely damaging her tail. She is rescued and transported to the Clearwater Marine Hospital, where she is named Winter. But her fight for survival has just begun. Without a tail, Winter's prognosis is dire. It will take the expertise of a dedicated marine biologist, the ingenuity of a brilliant prosthetics doctor, and the unwavering devotion of a young boy to bring about a groundbreaking miracle--a miracle that might not only save Winter but could also help scores of people around the world. The real Winter, who plays herself in "Dolphin Tale," today serves as a symbol of courage, perseverance and hope to millions of people--both able and disabled--who have been touched by her remarkable story of recovery and rehabilitation. (iTunes movie trailers)

4."Pearl Jam Twenty"
In celebration of their 20th Anniversary, Pearl Jam will debut Pearl Jam Twenty, a definitive portrait of the band as told by Academy Award®-winning filmmaker and music journalist, Cameron Crowe, at the 2011 Toronto International Film Festival in September. The film, Pearl Jam Twenty, is told in big themes and bold colors with blistering sound, and chronicles the years leading up to the band’s formation, the chaos that ensued soon-after being catapulted into superstardom, their step back from the spotlight with the instinct of self-preservation, and the creation of a trusted circle that would surround them—giving way to a work culture that would sustain them. The film celebrates the freedom that allows the band to make music without losing themselves, their fans, or the music lovers they’d always been. (Official website)

Mike Weiss (Chris Evans) is a talented young Houston lawyer and a functioning drug addict. Paul Danziger (co-director Mark Kassen), his longtime friend and partner, is the straightlaced and responsible yin to Mike’s yang. Their mom-and-pop personal-injury law firm is getting by, but things really get interesting when they decide to take on a case involving Vicky (Vinessa Shaw), a local ER nurse, who is pricked by a contaminated needle on the job. As Weiss and Danziger dig deeper into the case, a health care and pharmaceutical conspiracy teeters on exposure and heavyweight attorneys move in on the defense. Out of their league but invested in their own principles, the mounting pressure of the case pushes the two underdog lawyers and their business to the breaking point. Brothers and directors Mark and Adam Kassen bring this real-life story to the screen with all the urgency and passion of the subjects themselves. The result is an effective issue-driven drama that finds its footing in a contemporary David and Goliath story. (Official movie website)

Posters - iTunes movie trailers, Movie Poster Database

Thursday, September 22, 2011

"Dark Shadows" (2012) - First portrait

The very first official picture from upcoming Tim Burton's "Dark Shadows" is revealed! All ten main characters gathered together to make for us one gothic portrait. I found Johnny Depp here just from the second look, then I was shocked of the appearance of Michelle Pfeiffer, who looks like Voldemort's bride now, and just before posting it I discovered that there are not nine, but ten characters - Mrs. Johnson just is very good at hiding. But I'm sure Burton did great, because at least they all look creepy as vampires should.

Visit EW to read about every character.

If you are interested in the story of "Dark Shadows", visit DarkShadowsWiki.

More about "Dark Shadows"! (pictures from the set, news etc.)

Characters [from left to right] - Dr. Julia Hoffman (Helena Bonham Carter), Carolyn Stoddard (Chloe Moretz), Angelique Bouchard (Eva Green), David Collins (Gulliver McGrath), Victoria Winters (Bella Heathcote), Barnabas Collins (Johnny Depp), Mrs. Johnson (Ray Shirley), Willie Loomis (Jackie Earle Haley), Roger Collins (Jonny Lee Miller) and Elizabeth Collins Stoddard (Michelle Pfeiffer).

Favorite opening themes from TV shows. Part 2

Firstly, I thought it's impossible to find another five great songs, which became very famous because of being opening themes of the TV shows. But I was wrong.

Favorite opening themes from TV shows. Part 1

Massive Attack - "Teardrop"

I like this song, though I'm not a fan of Massive Attack. It's the voice of Elizabeth Fraser that makes it so beautiful, peaceful and calm. And it's a bit dramatic as every episode of "HOUSE M.D." is.

Barenaked Ladies - "History of Everything"

Nerdy TV show just couldn't have less nerdy opening song. And here it is! This song was written specifically for "The Big Bang Theory" and tells a history of our universe. How can I describe it in one word? Educational.

Full Blown Rose - "Somebody Help Me"

I was very disappointed when discovered that "TRU CALLING" was closed after 2 seasons. I watched it twice or maybe more times and it still remains interesting and impressive. This opening theme makes a perfect match with the main character played by Eliza Dushku.

Ryan Star - "Brand New Day"

I couldn't force myself to watch the 2nd season of "LIE TO ME", because it became very predictable. But I haven't forgotten this song. It's way better and didn't bore me unlike Dr. Cal Lightman.

Jace Everett - "Bad Things"

"TRUE BLOOD" is about three things - vampires, sex and violence, which are related. So I'm not surprised that its song is about them either.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"1911" (2011) - Synopsis, poster, trailer

My favorite actor/screenwriter/director Jackie Chan stars in the new movie, which appeared to be an epic one. I like when he plays funny and feisty characters, but I like even more when he's becoming a serious hero. There are two different trailers and though I don't speak Japanese, it sounds very beautiful, so I prefer the first one.

What is the movie about? "The event has taken in 1911. Huang Xin (Jackie Chan) and Sun Yat Sun (Winston Chao) are the leaders of the revolution for fighting for the people with better life. It's, therefore, they gathered together and formed an association (Tung Meng Hui) for the purpose of against the deteriorated Qing Dynasty. There are 2 uprisings to fight against the royal troops. The first one was held in Quangzhou in April 1911. The revolutionists attacked the Governor Office but was totally failed for the reason of without adequate supply of ammunition. A huge number of the revolutionists were sacrified.
In October of the same year, another uprising in Wu Cheong was set. The royal army rebelled and led by Zhang Zhen Wu (Jaycee Chan). They have successfully occupied three towns in Hu Han, seized the control of Hu Bei province. At that time, the Empress appointed Yuan Shi Kai and his picked soldiers to fight back immensely. Huang then commanded the Defended troop, resisted for one month then followed with success. 14 Provinces declared independence. Sun was back and appointed as the temporary President who alleged to give away the position to the one who convinced the Qing Royal to surrender. Yuan has succeeded to do so and got the authority.
It then ended the 268 years of the Reign of the Qing Dynasty and 2000 years of monarchy. The Republic was then founded." (Official movie website)

Release dates - September 29, 2011 (Hong Kong), October 12, 2011 (USA), November 5, 2011 (Japan)

Trailer 1 (Japanese)

Trailer 2 (English with beautiful music)


Monday, September 19, 2011

HOUSE M.D. 8 season - "Fail" Promo

Here is a new short promo of the 8th season. Now I've seen the last episodes of the previous season, so I understand why Greg House can be in jail. But this fact is a bit depressing. I hope he won't stay there for a long time or that will be weird when his team will come there every morning along with patients, MRI scanners etc.

The song is "Sail" by AWOLNATION (powerful as ever).

Watch the first promo here.

What are we waiting for? Fall 2011

Top-10 movies, which you should watch in the movie theaters this fall.


Tagline - "Don't talk to anyone. Don't touch anyone."

There is a virus, but no zombies? That's something new. With good cast and Steven Soderbergh's talent it is a new drama that shows how people act in such critical worldwide situation. And it looks like there is going to be no second, third or forth part. I hope.

Release date - September 9, 2011


Tagline - "Get in. Get out. Get away."

I bet you heard about it many times. But haven't you seen it? Even 'big and scary' critic from The Rolling Stone magazine, Peter Travers, loved it! It looks like the story about a stunt driver by day and a getaway driver by night, who is played by handsome and talented Ryan Gosling, is worth of every bit of your attention.
Everything you need to know about it is here.

Release date - September 16, 2011


Tagline - "What are you really worth?"

Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill are teamed up to make a basketball dream team. Based on a true story it is going to be an interesting drama about how to achieve your dream despite financial problems.

Release date - September 23, 2011


Tagline - [no tagline yet]

Another drama with Ryan Gosling, this time not about drivers, but about politicians. Directed and co-stared by George Clooney, this movie got many positive reviews. With those two it couldn't be another way.

Release date - October 7, 2011


Tagline - "This year, discover how far adventure will take you."

Have you heard about Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson? Do you know that they're very talented men and they've filmed a bunch of great movies? Now they're going to present an animated story about a boy, treasures, lost ships etc.
You can watch trailer and read the whole synopsis here.

Release date - October 26, 2011 (UK)


Tagline - "One part outrage. One part justice. Three parts rum. Mix well."

Johnny Depp isn't playing a Captain Jack Sparrow, but he still drinks lots of rum. He is a journalist now and he goes to Puerto Rico, falls in love with married girl, drinks again, sometimes writes for a local newspaper and has to choose between money and truth.
Read everything about this upcoming drama here.

Release date - October 28, 2011


Tagline - [no tagline yet]

The voices of Antonio Banderas and Salma Hayek will be heard in this new Dreamworks' animation. It is a deserved spin-off from "Shrek" story about a very self-confident and brave cat.
Trailer is here.

Release date - November 4, 2011


Tagline - [no tagline yet]

Michelle Williams is the Marilyn. Simon Curtis is the director and Kenneth Branagh is the Sir Laurence Olivier, who is rumored to have some tense relationship with miss Monroe. My bonus is Emma Watson in an episodic role of a wardrobe girl Lucy.

Release date - November 4, 2011

9. "HUGO"

Tagline - [no tagline yet]

Young actor Asa Butterfield scares me a bit, but there is Chloe Moretz, Jude Law, Christopher Lee, Helen McCrory and Sacha Baron Cohen to make me more comfortable to watch it. This is new Martin Scorsese's fantastic story, which tell us how living in a Paris train station looks like.

Release date - November 23, 2011


Tagline - [no tagline yet]

Viggo Mortensen, Michael Fassbender and between them a patient played by Keira Knightley. Unusual and not surely romantic. With such cast it couldn't be bad, so I will definitely see it in the nearest future.

Release date - November 23, 2011